After Care
It’s one thing to solve the debt problems that are making your life stressful, but once you’ve done that – what next? How do you get your old financial life back?
Like most people, when you come to see us for a free consultation it’s probably because you are experiencing stresses and problems that are beginning to be overwhelming. You may need the solutions provided by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada), a Federal law. You can choose between a consumer proposal or a bankruptcy. The BIA is a very powerful law and it does a very effective job of solving the pressing debt problems and removing those stresses.
But when your debt problems are gone life still goes on, right? You have to get their good credit rating back and reinstate yourself with the financial community. How do you achieve this?
There are no easy answers to this question and nobody can provide a complete answer because we are talking about the future, with a lot of variables. However, we at Richard Killen & Associates can help you get started on that journey back to complete solvency. We have been in the trustee business for almost 25 years, and during all that time not a week has gone by that someone hasn’t asked us how will a bankruptcy or a proposal affect them. Mostly they mean how will it affect my ability to get credit in the future.
The credit world is not all that unpredictable. The thing to understand, if you do a bankruptcy or proposal, is that you have to be proactive about restoring your good credit rating. That can start as early as the day after you file with us. We try to provide you with the knowledge you’ll need to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.
So when you visit us for a free consultation you will not only be dealing with those nasty debt problems, but you will be taking your first steps in financial rehabilitation.
Call us today for a free consultation. It may be the most stress-relieving call you ever make.
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“Serving Toronto & the GTA for over 25 years.”
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