Download The Glass is Half Full

Thank you for requesting to download the The Glass is Half Full – The Positive Side to Debt Relief book.

You may be in financial trouble and are searching for a debt relief solution. Many people struggle with the stress of debt and spend far too many days and sleepless nights worrying about debt. Usually, its when you make the realization that you are getting further and further behind each month and finally you realize enough is enough.  Its time to stop this cycle and get some debt relief.

One of the main reasons I wrote this book was that people often let their debt problems define who they are, at least in their own eyes. The fact that we find ourselves in financial trouble shouldn’t define who our what we are. That has never seemed true, logical or fair to me. We’re all human and we will make mistakes. What we’re supposed to do is figure out what we did wrong and fix it- or make sure we don’t repeat it.

There is a positive side to debt relief. If you are in financial trouble, I strongly encourage you to download this e-book. The book will change the way you look at debt and offer you solutions to reduce the stress. The e-book is free for all to download.

I also suggest you talk with an Insolvency Trustee as they are the only professional that can provide all debt relief solutions.

Please click the button below to download the book in pdf format.


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    Since 1992, Richard Killen & Associates, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, have helped thousands of people resolve their financial problems. With 25 years experience in this industry, our president, Richard Killen, and the rest of our team understand the difficulties that honest people can sometimes find themselves in. This expertise makes it possible to provide you with a service that effectively deals with the issues.

    Serving the GTA for 25 years