
Pre-Retirement Canadians Embrace Mortgage Debt

Pre-Retirement Canadians Embrace Mortgage Debt

People looking forward to retirement usually try to retire their debts first, especially their mortgages, so they can enjoy their leisure without financial worries. But a story in the Globe and Mail reveals that more and more Canadians are going into their golden years with...
Graduating Into Debt

Graduating Into Debt

Getting a student loan can be double-edged sword. Many kids can’t afford a higher education without one. But the downside is that a lot of students either they doctors, engineers or business students are graduating with huge debts that they many find hard and in some cases...

Informal Arrangements Need Full Agreement

One of the options in dealing with a debt crisis is an informal arrangement. This is essentially reorganizing the debts that you have with the creditors you owe the money to. We’re not talking here about a consolidation loan. That’s different because you end up with only one...
How Much Is Too Much

How Much Is Too Much?

People sometimes ask: “If I go bankrupt will the trustee take all my income?” Well the simple answer is NO. But to understand that answer you need to wade through some layers of legal complexity. While you go through bankruptcy, the trustee is required to monitor your income...
Is Money the Root of All Evil

Is Money the Root of All Evil?

As many of us struggle with our finances, we have a love-hate relationship with the all-mighty dollar. To put our problems in perspective, or to give voice to our feelings, here are some words from notable figures on the subject of money. “Anyone who lives within their means...
What Are the Alternatives in Coping With a Debt Crisis

What Are the Alternatives in Coping With a Debt Crisis?

No one wants to go bankrupt. It is the last resort when faced with insurmountable financial problems. But even if your payments are in arrears and you are getting collection calls, there are other options besides a bankruptcy, which we at Richard Killen & Associates are...
consumer proposal meaning what i

Consumer Proposal Meaning- What Is a Consumer Proposal?

People often ask, what is a consumer proposal what is the consumer proposal meaning or definition and how similar is it to a debt consolidation loan? A proposal is like a consolidation loan where your payments are made affordable and downgraded into a single monthly payment...

Stop Harassment by Creditors

Debt collectors can be, uh, zealous in their pursuit of money owed. Stories of daily phone calls, threats, bothering friends and relatives, and late-night contacts abound. In some cases debt collectors have aggressively pursued ridiculously small amounts of money, and even...
Five Myths About Bankruptcy

Five Myths About Bankruptcy

When facing financial desolation, it’s hard to think straight, you are so gripped by worry. Bankruptcy plays into many people’s doomsday scenarios, imagining that it will be the end of them financially and personally, as family relationships are ripped apart under the...
Canadians Groan Under Unprecedented Debt Burden

Canadians Groan Under Unprecedented Debt Burden

“I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go” is what Canadian are apparently singing to themselves these days. A new survey conducted by credit rating agency Equifax Canada reveals that Canadians are groaning under record levels of debt: $1.422 trillion in the fourth quarter of...

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    About Richard Killen & Associates

    Since 1992, Richard Killen & Associates, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, have helped thousands of people resolve their financial problems. With 25 years experience in this industry, our president, Richard Killen, and the rest of our team understand the difficulties that honest people can sometimes find themselves in. This expertise makes it possible to provide you with a service that effectively deals with the issues.

    Serving the GTA for 25 years